So, here is my first blog. I must admit I have no idea why I am starting a blog. I really have nothing to say and find writing quite painful. I generally sit at the keyboard for hours, well ok maybe two minutes, trying to pull one of my random thoughts out of my head and onto paper. I rather love the idea of sitting down, gathering my thoughts, and placing them on my blog for the world to see and comment, but I fear the 3 other bloggers (the obligatory family members) who will visit my site will stop to comment only on my grammatical and spelling errors. If you are spelling nut who finds errors on all sorts of written material such as cereal boxes, advertisements, menus and magazines, you can turn this blog into a game. Yeah, that’s it. It will rank up there with Su Dooko and word searches. People will flock to this blog in search of the not so elusive spelling mistake in order to sharpen their QC skills. I may even offer my blogs to high schools or University journalism classes for training purposes. My writings will rank up there with, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog," and Lorem Ipsum. I will be known as… well ok I’m going too far with this one.
What do I want to achieve with this blog? I have a ton of seemingly random interests. I love discovering new things, new technologies and sciences, how things work. I also like aesthetics things, such as photography, people, animals and shiney bright objects. I get distracted easily and find it hard to stay focussed on any one thing for too long, yet I can loose myself in a game of Civilization IV or just plain starring at my snails in the Gold Fish tank. I typically get fixated on a new hobby or topic frequently only to drop just as quickly once I get bored with it. Some would find that frustrating or pointless however it has given me a breadth of useless information that can only be surpassed my wife. I have collected Hockey cards, of which I recently started again with my oldest son, stamps, records, a cool rock collection now passed on to my boys, antique cameras, anything porcelain with markings on the bottom, and some old Christian books and Bibles. I love electronics and robotics and plan on making my own some day soon, anything computer related, video games, though I do like board games such as Risk, Settlers of Catan and Chess. I have enjoyed biking in the past, however my enlarged gut-n-butt makes it difficult for me to squeeze into my spandex these days. I do like to read but rarely make it past the third chapter. I think of myself as an entrepreneur, however my friends call me an entre-manure. I have tons of ideas floating around in my head for the next big thing, the big break, my cash cow, yet I am poor and will likely stay the same. I think I am a geek but I fancy myself as being a jock. I enjoy playing sports but have always been average.
Average…that pretty much sums it up. I am an average guy, with an average job working the status quo (I don’t know what status quo means but it sounded appropriate). This blog will be exactly that, average. I will attempt to let you into my world, my fantasy. I will write about some of my crazy ideas, parenthood, toys, collecting, how things work or don’t, religion, my ignorance of politics, the clubbing of seals, my love of Newfoundland, and pretty much anything else that peaks my curiosity.
I guess you can never be 2qurios.
Well done Steve, you give pointless its well deserved meaning.
By Anonymous, at 11:28 PM
Ha ha ha...
There...I commented... you happy?
By Christina, at 11:35 PM
I'm only kidding!
Welcome to the world of blogging. I look forward to seeing what you have to say.
This does not replace heart-to-heart talks. We still have to do that.
By Christina, at 8:16 AM
Welcome to the world of blogging!
Looking forward to reading (making fun of) what you have to say!
By Melissa, at 8:27 AM
You sound like a real loser. I'm glad I don't know you or have anything to do with you. If I worked with you I would have to never talk to you at work. You're not only boring, you're painfully boring. Luckily I can use your blog to help me get to sleep. Hey, I think it's workzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
By Anonymous, at 8:36 AM
You sound like a great guy. I'm glad I know you and have lots to do with you. [If I worked with you I would have to never talk to you at work.-There is no translation for this gibberish at the moment.] You're not boring, you're wonderfully exciting. Luckily I can use your blog to help me get laid. Hey, I think it's workinnnnnnnng
Disclaimer: jake has a history of drinking on the job and dreams of being a creative writer; however I think he needs to stick with his golf career.
By Qurios, at 9:03 AM
Fatty, fatty, fatty. Farty, farty, farty. It seems I've taken the art of debate to a higher level.
By Anonymous, at 9:10 AM
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