Friday, April 07, 2006

So, I was blog hopping last night and found some interesting posts on You really have to appreciate a techie that is secure enough to have pink as the predominate colour on their blog. I guess when you look at from a hexadecimal point of view it really is only #D1A7A7. But do not judge a blog by its colour The Muddler provides sharp insights, witty humour spattered with sarcasm and a randomness of topics that A.D.D. people like myself appreciate. The Muddler has a riveting horror story of a techie without internet for 6 days. I have often thought what the world would be like without the internet and how I would cope. I can honestly say that I think I would have treated the situation a little differently. Can’t say I would have taken a spinning class or read a ton of books. I really don’t know what I would occupy my detox time with. Board games by myself? Long walks to the fridge to find bread and all the fixings but no clue how to assemble them into something edible? I have no idea what I would do. I think I’m feeling sick and dizzy right now. I need to stop talking about it. I just have to say kudos to The Muddler for valiantly making it through those dark times and coming out on top. My question to the rest of you out there surfing is what would you do with out the wonders of the interweb for a week?

There was a post on his site that was quite interesting and most of us PC users have experienced it in some form or another, the beloved Windows error message. Ever so beautifully scripted with copious amounts of information to help the dumbest of computer user to overcome the problem. With rounds of applause to Apple and their software Boot Camp, Mac users can now experience the famed blue screen of death. I posted a comment on The Muddler in response to an error message he recently had and questioned what Mac users would see. The Muddler has informed me in one of his posts, that, to the chagrin of many Apple users, someone has successfully caused a blue screen on a Mac. I’m sure this didn’t take too much expertise, but none the less a interesting look at what’s to come of the Appledows WinOSX 2006. Well, I guess you can never be 2qurios.


  • I think it's where you learn how to do laundry or how not to puke on those tire swings in the playground.

    By Blogger Qurios, at 12:55 PM  

  • qurious I can tell just by your writing style that you are a different and unique individual. In my head, you appear posed like superman, but without the muscles or stretchy suit.

    Not that a suit means much, but it goes a long way in defining your identity. Who would Superman be without a suit? Just another steriod ridden bodybuilder with too much testosterone and not enough package. Lifting up random cars on the street, trying in vain to impress the ladies.

    No my friend, you seem more like a modern day superhero. No need for a flashy suit, or striking emblem. Just some plain plaid shirts and a little Gap Jeanwear, and you're off to save the weak and hungry each and every morning after a Tim Hortons coffee, and maybe a donut to tie you over until lunchtime.

    I bet you've got a long mane of flowing Orange hair, that flaps around in the wind, the envy of all those who pass by you as you toss around Volvo's and the Odd K-Car to demonstrate your superhuman strength.

    Maybe your hair has superpower. Maybe too much power to control, so you must shave it off weekly in order to save the world from an attack at the very base follecular level.

    I bet you have a sidekick too. You let him think he's in charge, but give him the older plaid patterns to wear, and make him shave his head as well, even though you know full well his kriptonite-ridden hair follicles are no match for your biologically strengthened stalks of pure power.

    Maybe you lay a really lame sidekick name on him Gob-Raus. The kind of sidekick name where he yells it out at the scene of a crime, and all the burglers and the like stop robbing and plundering for a split second out of pure confusion. You then use that moment to your advantage, swoop in, and save the day once again.

    You are not separate. Gob-Raus need you, but you need him as well.

    Some would say perhaps you are both intrinsically linked at your super hair, in a constant life-long batter to both separate your roots, but somehow become intertwined and tangled over and over again in your unspoken gift of power.

    Power. Without a suit.
    The Ultimate Goal.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:49 PM  

  • hmm...perhaps loss of internet connection would mean more time in the evening spent with your lovely wife.

    Forget I said that.

    Any interruption to your internet service is a mere coincidence and has no association whatsoever to this remark.

    You probably forgot to pay your bill.

    Yeah, that’s it.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:44 PM  

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