Wednesday, December 05, 2007

We Wish You A Memey Christmas!

The tag read "From Nan" Merry Christmas...

What is your most enduring Christmas memory?
---Probably Christmas Eve at my own Nan's (grandmother's) house. All her kids, grandkids, and eventually great grandkids, would gather at her house to watch her open her presents. I lived in a tiny cove made up mostly of family, so after the gifts were open at nan's house, the men would make their rounds at each house for a glass of Christmas cheer, the women usually delivered last minute presents, and the kids would just play, eat and get excited about Santa.

Do you have a favourite piece of Christmas music?
---Lots. And it changes quite often. Matthew Ryan's "Drummer Boy" is a favourite for sure. I just recently discovered The Blind Boys of Alabama's great version of "Born In Bethlehem" with Mavis Staples. Great tune. Asides from that, I've always loved Auld Lang Syne.

Do you stick to the old family traditions?
----Asides from the above event that I mentioned (which I can't do anymore since I've long since moved away and my grandmother passed away this past year), there aren't many that I can really think of. We do still cook salt fish, brewis and potatoes (it's a Newfoundland thing) on Christmas Eve.
There are also some movies that have become must watches at Christmas. Notably National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation and the Muppets Family Christmas.

What makes your mouth water at Christmas time?
---Turkey of course. Also soft cheesies (don't ask me why they remind me of Christmas), mixed nuts, chocolate oranges, coffee with eggnog.

How soon do you put the Christmas tree up and when do you take it down?
---It has varied, but this year we've decided to do it on the 14th. It's the day after my birthday. We decorated everything else on the first, but the tree waits. I like this idea and hope we'll keep these dates as tradition. It's usually down on New Year's Eve.

Now the gift that keeps on giving: I tag Steve, Christina, and Shannon. They are family afterall.



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